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Prepare for The Pre-Christmas Rush with A Pallet Truck from Pegasus

Prepare for The Pre-Christmas Rush with A Pallet Truck from Pegasus

The Christmas season is always an indescribably busy time for those working in factories and warehouses, with demand for near enough every product increasing greatly.

Members of staff generally take overtime at Christmas to meet demand, working longer hours and under a lot of stress to ensure their businesses meet festive targets.

For a long time, pallet trucks have been a staple of life in factories and warehouses, and they are more vital than ever at Christmas, when there are a larger number of goods to be processed and moved from place to place.

All of this can be made much easier with the purchase of a simple pallet truck from Pegasus Material Handling.

We have a range of pallet trucks to suit all applications and budgets. From basic trucks like the Jungheinrich AM Series and the Logitrans Panther range to more specialist units from Logitrans including stainless and High Lift models.

Order now and they will be delivered to you just in time for the hectic Christmas period. To find out more about pallet trucks from Pegasus Material Handling call a member of our team on 0191 419 0003 or Contact us here.

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